Lots of Stories!

This week was fun, lots of stories

We are the methodists kids
I got to go on another exchange with Elder Lawrence in Winchester, we contact some people of the local Methodist church. They invited us to join for a meal in their church that day. We first got them to ask permission from their church. The church said yes so we went. They adored us and said were always welcome. It's a local church with no youth program so they were amazed at how our church gets people so young to go out and do what we do. They all promised if they ever see us they will feed us... they all love to cook but they don't eat that much... they forced us to take home all the leftovers... tip biking 4 miles with 8 grocery bags of food is not easy nor is it a smart idea but we made it all food intact lol

We got fed by Cory's family it was hilarious, there family absolutely hates each other, but they all love us. It really shows the power of the gospel I guess, a complete un unified family is unified in an interest in this church... the funniest part of the vist was how the mom expressed how she is very catholic and is fine with anyone of her family joining our church she tried her best but beca and cory are lost, then liz is still active but I also dont give her a choice... this is kind of rude to say but how true is our church when I have never seen so unified family besides those in the church. 

Another funny lesson was when Jon called and texted us consistently to ask for help... we showed up as soon as we could after rescheduling some events.... he confessed after talking fir 20 minutes he really didn't need help he just wanted us over again lol.

This email is kind of long but oh well this week was really good, in ward council we brought up a family we have been teaching and it was a crazy miracle as one of the families in the ward had moved across the ward to a different county. 
But since the kids liked there school they let there kids drive 40 miles everyday for school and track and stuff. It was really hard for them but almost a year later here we are and they are friends with like 6 people we contacted this week are there friends. That family is now our best friend. Hehehe

Love Ya'll

-Elder Jarvis
